Our Team
Individually we are passionate, highly skilled and experienced youth work specialists with our own areas of expertise, unique talents and networks.
Together we work (for many of us as a side-hustle)
to provide high-quality, innovative and custom-designed solutions with and for young people and the youth sector.
Scroll down to meet the team.
Contact us at info@youthgurus.com.au
Andy Bell BA | BE | GD | MA
Founder, EO & Youth Guru
E: andy@youthgurus.com.au M: 0428 070 249
Andy is a charismatic and engaging leader who grew up in South West Victoria and has dedicated his life to working with and for young people.
Areas of Expertise
Youth Mental Health | Youth Participation
Positive Youth Development | Sector Development
Key Skillsets
Project Design & Delivery | Youth Engagement
Facilitation & Training | Stakeholder Engagement

Dave Hale BA | MPaCS
Youth Guru
Based in Central Victoria, Dave is an passionate youth and community development specialist, bringing together experience from across government, not for profits and community groups – in Australia and abroad
Areas of Expertise
Youth Participation, Co-design & Empowerment
Community Consultation & Mediation
Key Skillsets
Program Design | Systems Thinking | Evaluation
Training & Facilitation | Project Management
Alicia Crawford BA
Youth Guru
Based on Victoria's Surf Coast, Alicia is a highly talented and multifaceted leader in the youth, social change & wellbeing sectors with a passion for designing transformational youth programs.
Areas of Expertise
Youth Participation, Leadership & Empowerment
Health & Wellbeing | Social Impact Pro
Key Skillsets
Program Design, Facilitation & Evaluation
Event Management | Strategic Thinking | Training

Not actually Kane.
Photo coming.

Olly Tripodi BA | MA
Youth Guru
A dynamic and thoroughly engaging presenter, facilitator, leader and expert in youth engagement, Olly has a rich history of inspiring and leading robust youth advocacy & development programs.
Areas of Expertise
Youth Leadership Development | Governance
Youth Empowerment, Co-design & Participation ​
Key Skillsets
Facilitation | Communication | Youth Engagement
Public Policy & Strategic Planning | Training